Uncle Seamus

Created by Tracey 3 years ago

My uncle Seamus was the most wonderful caring loving man , he taught me a lot thoughout life and the wonderful memories I have will be with me forever, I  loved our chats on the phone we always finished of by saying love you at end of our calls and i loved  my uncle Seamus so much my heart is breaking right now, I am missing him so much , I could tell uncle Seamus anything and he always listened and gave me some great advice ,  I looked up to him , my kids adored him their memories are of our hoildays every year to Butlins in Skegness were uncle Seamus came down and stayed in the big Static caravan with us we had so much fun and he was able to relax and enjoy a cider with my Daddy who he was so close to , they are both up in Heaven together again now looking down over us all , the two most important men in my life took to soon to cancer ,

i will never forget Uncle Seamus on hoildays with us one year in skegness and i said to him the night before uncle Shea im going to car boot sale tommorrow domyou want to come im leaving at 5.45am and of course he said yes ill go with you so up ealry we got and Daddy came with us and head of to the car boot sale , sun was shinning very hot we got there and i was just like wow look at the size of it .

so arranged to meet outside wee chip van and half hour later Seamus says thes me finished ill wait for yours at chip van , three hours later we came back to him took us that long , he was not happy was so funny , he said im never going to car boot sale with us again and of course there was plenty of curse words Daddy was laughing to , he told seamus you know what Tracey is like , so needless to say the following year on hoildays when we asked uncle seamus did he want to go to car boot sale the answer was no with few other chosen words uncle seamus spoke his mind and thats what i loved him for he said what he wanted and if you were offended in any way just tough , you had to know mu uncle seamus sense of humour he was just amazing , the year he brought Lisa on hoildays to us he loved it , lisa was his world he was always telling me how my cousin was doing very proud Daddy, and Lisa you have your Daddys personality and sense of humour and of course his very good looking Doran looks and he will be watching over you always from Heaven .

uncle Seamus have a pint of guinness up there in Heaven with Daddy and uncle David and Aunt Kathleen love you always and fovever till we meet

again x

